Tuesday, December 8, 2009

High school off to COLLEGE

College for me is different than my high school life. When I was in High school my parents or uncle takes me to school then picks me up after, now i walk to school. It's so different because when I was still in high school our maid wakes me up every morning and prepares my breakfast, but now I have to wake up all by myself and prepare my
own food. During my high school days I can go out on weekdays because there is nothing much to do, now I have tons of HOME WORKS, ACTIVITIES and TESTS to do "this is not fun!". After school I feel so tired and sleepy, but when I was in high school I can still go out and have fun with my friends and cousins. In college, people don't care about you anymore, they don't care if you're absent in class or if you do not pass the requirements as long as you respect your teachers.

Being in college is fun because of my FRIENDS :), they make my day so special and fun (YE-AAHHH!), though I have the same kind of friends in high school, this is the only thing that didn't change. I could not imagine myself being in college by myself that means NO FRIENDS! Big No no!

PICTURE FROM: http://www.miriamcollege.com/alumni/images/logo.jpg

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