Thursday, December 10, 2009

Mikka meets Moira :D

I decided that this would be my blog title because I can't think of any name but THIS! HA-HA-HA! rah rah ah ah ah roma roma ma gaga oolala ye ahhhh :)) Okay, that was just an introduction, I'm singing Lady Gaga's song bad romance.

I thought that Mikka meets Moira would be a good title for my blog, I'll explain why. During my highschool I am known as Mikka, but when Marge found out that my first name is Moira, she started calling me that name. I think that my name Moira showed another side of me. At first I didn't like to be called Moira, because I think that my name doesn't fit my age. The changes made me realize that I need to be mature now that I'm in college. :D

I <3 Beeff :))

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

High school off to COLLEGE

College for me is different than my high school life. When I was in High school my parents or uncle takes me to school then picks me up after, now i walk to school. It's so different because when I was still in high school our maid wakes me up every morning and prepares my breakfast, but now I have to wake up all by myself and prepare my
own food. During my high school days I can go out on weekdays because there is nothing much to do, now I have tons of HOME WORKS, ACTIVITIES and TESTS to do "this is not fun!". After school I feel so tired and sleepy, but when I was in high school I can still go out and have fun with my friends and cousins. In college, people don't care about you anymore, they don't care if you're absent in class or if you do not pass the requirements as long as you respect your teachers.

Being in college is fun because of my FRIENDS :), they make my day so special and fun (YE-AAHHH!), though I have the same kind of friends in high school, this is the only thing that didn't change. I could not imagine myself being in college by myself that means NO FRIENDS! Big No no!


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

My typical weekday

SNOOZE— It’s what my typical weekday starts with. Sometimes it takes me two hits of the button before I finally get myself out of bed. Ever since I moved to the dorm, I learned how to pick up after myself. This is why fixing my bed right after waking up has been a habit already. Sometimes my roomie and I take turns in who gets to use the bathroom first. When we have the same schedule for the day and we have spare time, we prepare a simple breakfast for the two us. Breakfast in the dorm usually means pancit canton, cereals or oatmeal. On days wherein we have different schedules and I finish dressing up early, I take a power nap before I walk to school. I really appreciate living in a dorm because I can wake up an hour before school and still be early for my first class. I take the footbridge to and from school; sometimes I walk alone while sometimes I have my dorm mates with me. It used to be really tiring since I was used to being driven to school but it just took a little getting used to. When I get back to the dorm, my roommate and I usually share stories about the day. Afterwards, we’d work on what has to be done for the next day. When we finish early, we stroll around Katipunan. When we have spare time and money, we sometimes go to malls for a little retail therapy. For dinner, we prefer eating in our dorm. We bring home cooked meals that will last us a week. We just pop it in the microwave and it almost tastes like we were home. The plus side of this is getting to save our daily allowance! After dinner, we wash the dishes and get ready for bed. There are days when we try to sleep early but we just end up talking until midnight. Typical days may be tiring, but it’s what makes it interesting.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

If Only :Movie Review

Who would've thought that a movie I was so clueless about would end up as my favorite? If Only was introduced to me by my boyfriend.

The movie is about Ian and Samantha, a live-in couple. Ian did not appreciate Samantha and most of the time, she was taken for granted. He did not give his best for their relationship he acted like Samantha didn't even exist. Samantha felt unloved-- this is why she left the house for awhile. She rode a cab, unfortunately, the cab got into a crash that caused her death. Ian felt devastated and sorry for the wrong things he had done. The next morning, he woke up and saw Samantha. She was given a second chance to live. A cab driver told Ian that he must do everything that he can to make Samantha happy. Ian loved Samantha like there was no tomorrow. He noticed that everything seemed like a deja vu-- the night before was a premonition. He tried telling Samantha but she just wouldn't listen. Samantha had a concert planned out. Afterwards, she wanted to ride a cab home. Ian tried to stop her, but she just wouldn't listen. She didn't get why the thought of riding a cab home seemed so wrong to him. Ian had a last resort. He decided to ride the cab with Samantha. He knew what was going to happen. Therefore, he wanted to live the moment with her. Ian hugs her before the accident and he ended up being the one who dies. He saved Samantha's life. Samantha wakes up in the hospital and she realizes that everything he told her was real. The night he mentioned WAS a premonition. A premonition he didn't take for granted.

I cried while watching this movie. It made me realize that I must value everything I have. Even the littlest things that I hardly notice. We'll never know when and what will cause these things to fly away. We may wake up one day without anything at all. I also realized that I should be thankful because I know that I am L-O-V-E-D.